Do you need to put on a few pounds to make a sports team, better your health, or simply to bulk up? Most people are out to lose weight, but you can reverse some basic dieting principles to gain some girth. However, many people do not realize how difficult it can be to gain weight quickly. Luckily, gaining weight is fairly intuitive and need not be strenuous or expensive; some basic calculations and lifestyle changes can garner impressive results.
pound (n): 磅
to put on a few pounds: 增加些體重
to make a sports team: 加入體育隊
to bulk up: 變壯
be out to …: 試圖…
girth (n): 腰圍
intuitive (a): 直覺性的
strenuous (a): 嚴苛的
garner (v): 獲得
Part 1 of 3: Eating to Gain Weight
1. Determine how much more you need to eat to gain a pound or a kilogram. To gain a pound, you'll need in excess of 3500 calories above your resting metabolic rate (RMR) — that is, you.
resting metabolic rate: 休息時的新陳代謝速率
Calculate your RMR. Your resting metabolic rate is the amount of calories per day that your body requires to maintain your existing weight. Here's how to figure it out with the Mifflin - St. Jeor formula.
formula (n): 公式
Convert your weight from pounds to kilograms. Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. The result is your weight in kilograms.
convert (v): 轉換
divide A by B: 將A除以B
Convert your height from inches to centimeters. Multiply your height in inches by 2.54. The result is your height in centimeters.
multiply A by B: 將A乘以B
Plug your information into the formula. The basic formula is RMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) - 5 * age(y) + x. For men, x = 5; for women, x = -161.
plug A into B: 將A放入B
Understand that the formula calculates how many calories you would burn if you spent the entire day resting. You probably burn a few hundred more than your RMR during the course of a normal day — this is just a rough estimate to get your weight-gain diet started.
rough (a): 粗略的
estimate (n): 估計
diet (n): 飲食計畫
2. Account for your activity level. Since you (hopefully) do not sit still in bed all day, you must account for the calories you burn through activity. Once you have your RMR, use the Harris Benedict Formula below with your RMR as BMR to determine your total daily calorie needs depending on your activity level. To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor:
to account for: 算上
BMR (basal metabolic rate): 基礎新陳代謝速率
If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : BMR x 1.2
sedentary (a): 久坐的
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : BMR x 1.375
If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : BMR x 1.55
moderately (ad): 適度地
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job or 2x training) : BMR x 1.9
2x training: 拳擊訓練的一種
For example, a 19-year-old woman who is 5’5” and 130 pounds would plug her information into the calculator and find out that her BMR is 1366.8 calories. Then, since she is moderately active, exercising 3-5 days per week, she would multiply 1366.8 by 1.55, to equal 2118.5 calories. Now that you have an idea of how many calories your body burns in a day, you can calculate how many more you need to gain weight.
Aim for one or two pounds per week. More than that could lead to a cycle of crash dieting, in which you gain and lose weight quickly.
crush dieting: 激烈的體重變化
At first, try adding 500 calories a day to your diet. For instance, if you need 2300 calories a day to maintain your current weight, strive to consume 2800 calories daily. This should be an extra 3500 calories over the course of a week, which will lead to one pound of weight gained.
strive (v): 努力
3. Eat three meals per day, as well as two snacks. Eating on a regular schedule can help you make sure you're getting enough calories every day. Aim to have generously-portioned breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two snacks in between.
generously-portioned (a): 大量的
4. Focus on hefty foods. You don't have to exclusively eat high-fat foods to gain weight. Actually, you'll gain weight more steadily and safely if you adjust your diet slightly to include denser foods and extra condiments. Consider these options:
hefty (a): 大且重的
exclusively (ad): 單單地
Drinks — Try protein shakes, juices or whole milk. Avoid diet sodas.
protein (n): 蛋白質
shake (n): 奶昔
whole milk: 全脂牛奶
Breads — Hearty and dense breads, such as whole wheat, oat bran, pumpernickel and rye, are more nutritious than white bread. Cut thick slices and spread generously with peanut butter, jam, honey, hummus, or cream cheese.
hearty (a): 有飽足感
dense (a): 成分密集
wheat (n): 小麥
oat (n): 燕麥
bran (n): 米糠
pumpernickel (n): 一種黑裸麥麵包
rye (n): 裸麥
hummus (n): 鷹嘴豆泥
cream cheese: 奶油起司
Vegetables — Look for starchy vegetables (potatoes, peas, corn, carrots, winter squash, beets). Avoid vegetables that are mostly water (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, cucumbers).
starchy (a): 富含澱粉的
pea (n): 青豆
winter squash (n): 南瓜的一種
beet (n): 甜菜
broccoli (n): 青花菜
cauliflower (n): 白花椰菜
zucchini (n): 櫛瓜
green bean (n): 四季豆
Fruit — Choose dense fruit (bananas, pears, apples, pineapple, dried fruit) over watery fruit (oranges, peaches, plums, berries, watermelon).
to choose A over B: 選A而不選B
Soups — Go for hearty cream soups instead of broth-based soups. If you have trouble with edema or high blood pressure, you may want to avoid store-bought soups that are high in sodium.
broth (n): 清高湯
broth-based soup: 清高湯為底的湯
edema (n): 水腫
high blood pressure: 高血壓
store-bought (a): 店面買的罐頭湯
sodium (n): 鈉
Added oils — When you're cooking, add a generous amount of oil to your food. The healthiest oils are unrefined (extra virgin) oils such as olive, coconut, canola, palm, and (of course) butter. Less healthy but still acceptable sources of oil are those high in omega-6 fatty acids (pro-inflammatory) such as safflower, sunflower, and peanut oils. Unhealthy oils that contain trans fats include shortening and soybean oil (aka vegetable oil).
unrefined (a): 未精煉的
extra virgin olive oil: 初榨橄欖油
canola (n): 菜籽油
omega-6 fatty acid: omega-6脂肪酸
pro-inflammatory (a): 促炎性
safflower (n): 紅花
trans fat (n): 反式脂肪
shortening (n): 酥油
soybean (n): 大豆
Spreads — Spreading delicious calorie-rich toppings on toast, crackers, pitas, and any other carbohydrate source is an excellent way to increase caloric intake. Some good high-calorie spreads are guacamole, olive oil, cream cheese, hummus, butter, nut butters, sour cream, cheese slices, and mayonnaise. For even more calories, mix these with shredded meats like chicken or fish.
spread (n): 抹醬
calorie-rich topping: 富含卡路里的添料
cracker (n): 脆餅
pita (n): 口袋餅
carbohydrate (n): 碳水化合物
intake (n): 吸收
guacamole (n): 酪梨醬
hummus (n): 鷹嘴豆泥
mayonnaise (n): 美乃滋
shredded meat: 碎肉
Supplements — Some nutritional supplements are designed specifically for weight gain. Investigate brands and products that are suggested for people suffering from illnesses that lead to weight loss, such as Crohn's disease or hyperthyroidism.
supplement (n): 營養補給品
Crohn's disease: 克隆氏症(某種胃腸病)
hyperthyroidism (n): 甲狀腺亢進
5. Avoid trans fats. Trans fats can increase belly fat, as well as inducing unhealthy insulin levels. Steer clear of margarine, shortening, packaged snack foods, and processed meats.
induce (v): 引進
insulin (n): 胰島素
to steer clear of: 避開
margarine /ˈmɑːrdʒərən/ (n): 乳瑪琳
6. Eat more protein. A lack of protein in your diet can lead to the loss of lean body mass, even if you're consuming excess calories. Here are some foods to consider:
lean body mass: 瘦肉組織(體重減去脂肪, 表身體較健康部分的重量, 又稱淨體重.)
Boiled soybeans
Soy or whey protein powder
Peanuts or peanut butter
Steak or hamburger
whey /weɪ/ (n): 乳清
Part 2 of 3: Building Muscle to Gain Weight
1. Start weight training. Building muscle through weight training will not only convert your extra weight into lean body mass, but it will also stimulate your appetite. Consider these points before you begin:
The extra muscle will increase the speed of your metabolism, so you'll need to consume more calories to maintain or gain weight.
metabolism (n): 新陳代謝
During the first month of weight training, you may experience tremendous gains if you are faithful to your schedule. However, also expect this to level off after this initiatory period (known in the bodybuilding world as a plateau). You overcome this by re-evaluating your weight and muscle mass, while altering your diet to include more food and heavier weights.
to level off: 趨平
initiatory (a): 起始
plateau (n): 上升後的穩定期
When you start a new training routine, you will often experience extreme muscle soreness, called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). This soreness is completely normal and should not prevent one from keeping to their weight training schedule. It goes away in 3 to 5 days.
routine (n): 例行事務
DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness): 延遲性肌肉痛
2. Lift heavy weights for maximum muscle gain. To achieve hypertrophy (or large muscles), you should be lifting weights that are as close as possible to the maximum you can handle
hypertrophy (n): 肌肉精壯
The weights should be so heavy that you hit "failure" (or the physical inability to lift again) after 12 or 13 reps.
failure: (n) 舉重的極限
rep (n): (=repetition) 舉重次數單位
Use forced reps. With the assistance of a spotter, you can do 2 or 3 more lifts after the point of failure. Forced reps increase the stress placed on muscle fibers and overload the target muscles, making them work harder than ever. Have your training partner assist you in the last few lifts.
forced reps: 強迫次數的訓練法
spotter (n) 運動中一旁的監護人員
overload (v) 使超載
Up your weight as soon as you need to. If you can do 15 lifts without hitting failure, you need more weight. It's vital that you keep increasing the weight of your lifts so that you can stave off plateauing.
to stave off: 避開
plateauing (n) 停滯期
3. Supplement your diet with more protein. A protein-rich diet can help you gain mass while you're weight training. Try to eat a meal that's heavy on protein shortly after you finish exercising.
Avoid "rabbit starvation", which can result from increased physical activity coupled by a diet focused almost exclusively on lean protein. Make sure your diet still has plenty of fat in it.
rabbit starvation: 兔肉綜合症(一種蛋白質攝取過多的營養失調)
Part 3 of 3: Troubleshooting
troubleshooting (n): 問題解決模式
1. Don't get your hopes set on gaining weight in one spot by eating more. The way your body distributes fat is largely determined by genetics, and can't be changed by diet alone.
genetics (n): 遺傳學
If you usually gain weight in your stomach but you want to gain it in your butt, your best bet is to build your gluteal muscles instead of trying to eat more.
bet (n): 對策
gluteal (a): 臀部的
2. See a doctor. If you can't gain weight in spite of following the above steps, schedule an appointment with your family physician. You may have a medical condition that prevents your body from absorbing fat or building muscle.
3. Weigh yourself at the same time each day. Because your weight can fluctuate throughout the day, try to set one time at which you'll step onto the scale. Many people prefer to weigh themselves first thing in the morning, before eating breakfast.
fluctuate (v): 變動
4. Avoid binging. Cycles of binging (or overeating) and fasting have been shown to have negative effects on glucose and insulin levels, as well as potentially damaging metabolic processes over a long term. Instead of pigging out at one meal because you want to consume as many calories as possible, try to spread that intake out over the entire day.
binge (v): 暴飲暴食
fast (v): 禁食
glucose (n): 血糖
to pig out: 大吃大喝
你需要增些重好入選某個運動團隊, 增進健康, 或是只是想壯一點? 大部分人要減重, 不過你可以倒反一些基本的減重原則來增些腰圍. 然而很多人不明白快速增重有多難. 幸好增重是不需刻意的事, 不用太嚴格也不花錢; 一些基本計算與生活方式的改變能得到令人印象深刻的成果.
3之1: 攝食以增重
1. 決定你必須吃多少可以增加1磅或1公斤. 增加1公斤你需要超過休息新陳代謝率額外3500卡路里. 休息新陳代謝率即是你維生所需的熱量.
計算你的RMR. 你的休息新陳代謝是身體保持現行體重一天所需熱量. 可以用Mifflin - St. Jeor公式算.
將體重磅數轉化成公斤.體重磅數除2.2. 結果就是體重公斤數.
轉化身高呎數成公分. 身高呎數乘以2.54. 結果就是身高的公分數.
將資訊放入公式裡. 基本公式是休息新陳代謝率RMR = 10 * 體重(公斤) + 6.25 * 身高(公分) – 5 *年齡 + x. 男人的x數值是5; 女性是-161.
請明白這公式計算假設你一整天都在休息的話身體燃燒的卡路里. 你有可能一天下來多燃燒幾百 – 這只是粗略估計, 讓你增重計畫有個起頭.
2. 算入你的活動度. 因為(希望是啦)你不會整天坐在床上, 你需考慮活動燃燒的熱量. 一旦你算出RMR, 請把RMR帶入下面的Harris Benedict公式的BMR以計算一日依活動量所需總熱量. 要決定每日總熱量所需, 用適當的乘數乘以基礎新陳代謝速率BMR.
若你是久坐型(少或無活動): BMR * 1.2
如你是輕量活動型 (輕量運動為一週1-3次): BMR x 1.375
如你是適度活動型 (適度活動指一週3-5次): BMR x 1.55
如你是重度活動型 (重度活動為一週6-7次)
如你超量活動型 (超重度運動或2x拳擊訓練): BMR x 1.9
舉例來說, 19歲5呎5吋130磅的女性, 將它資訊輸入計算機算得的BMR是1366.8卡. 接著, 因她是溫和活動型, 一週運動3到5天, 她將1366.8乘以1.55, 得出2118.5卡. 現在你知道了一天身體燃燒多少熱量, 可以計算增重須再多攝取多少.
訂目標一週增1到2磅. 過多的話會陷入體重一下過高一下過低的循環.
剛開始試著飲食一天增加500卡. 舉例來說, 若你維持目前體重一天需2300卡, 試著一天加到2800卡. 這樣一週下來可攝取額外3500卡, 這就是增重1磅所需熱量.
3. 一日3餐, 外加2份點心. 規律進食可幫助你確保每日攝取足夠熱量. 要吃份量豐富的早餐, 中餐與晚餐, 加上2份餐間的點心.
4. 多攝取密度高的食物. 你不需專吃高脂肪食物來增胖. 事實上, 若你稍調整飲食, 加入多密度食物, 以及調味料, 你可以更穩定安全增重. 可考慮這些選擇:
飲品 – 可喝蛋白質飲料, 果汁, 全脂牛奶. 別喝健怡汽水.
麵包 – 飽足密度厚的, 例如全麥, 燕麥糠, 黑裸麥, 裸麥麵包都較白麵包營養高. 切厚片並抹上大量花生, 果醬, 蜂蜜, 鷹嘴豆泥, 或奶油起司.
蔬菜 – 選多醣類蔬菜 (馬鈴薯, 豆, 玉米, 紅蘿蔔, 南瓜, 甜菜). 避免含水分多的(綠花菜, 白花菜, 櫛瓜, 四季豆, 小黃瓜.)
水果 – 高密度水果(香蕉, 梨, 蘋果, 鳳梨, 果乾)而不要多水分的水果(橘子, 桃子, 李子, 莓果, 西瓜).
湯 – 飽足感高的奶油湯, 而不要高湯為主的湯. 如你有水腫或高血壓, 就避免買店售的高鈉含量的湯.
添加食用油: 煮飯時, 可大量加食用油. 最健康的油是非精煉(初榨)油脂, 比如橄欖, 椰子, 芥花, 棕梠, 還有(不用說)牛油. 稍不健康但可接受的來源是Omega-6脂肪酸含量高的(促炎性的), 例如紅花, 向日葵, 與花生油. 不健康的油是含有反式脂肪的如酥油, 大豆油(即蔬菜油).
抹醬 – 吐司, 蘇打餅, 匹塔餅, 或任何其他醣類食物上抹上美味高熱量的添料, 是增加熱量攝取很棒的的方法. 很好的高熱量抹醬包括酪梨醬, 橄欖油, 奶油起司, 鷹嘴豆泥, 牛油, 堅果豆泥, 酸奶油, 起司片, 以及美乃滋. 還要更多熱量的話, 把這些與碎肉混合, 比如雞或魚.
營養補給品 – 一些營養補給品專門設計成有增重效果. 調查一些品牌與產品是設計給因病減輕體重的病人食用的, 比如克隆氏症或甲狀腺亢進.
5. 避免反式脂肪. 反式脂肪會增加腹部脂肪, 並造成胰島素水平不正常. 避開乳瑪琳, 酥油, 市售點心, 加工肉品.
6. 多吃蛋白質. 飲食缺乏蛋白質或造成瘦肉組織喪失, 即便攝取額外卡路里也是一樣. 這裡是可考慮的一些食物選擇.
3之2 靠增加肌肉增重
1. 開始舉重訓練. 以舉重增加肌肉不只能將你額外增加的體重轉換成瘦肉組織, 更能刺激你的食欲. 開始前考慮以下重點:
額外肌肉可增加你的新陳代謝, 因此你將需要攝取更多熱量以維持體重.
舉重訓練第一個月, 如果謹遵計畫, 可能會有很大效果. 不過也必須為起始期後的進展趨緩做好心理準備(健身界稱之為高原期). 重評估體重與肌肉密度狀況, 並依攝取量與體重改換飲食, 你會克服這部分.
當開始新一輪訓練, 你會常遇到極強烈的肌肉疼痛, 這叫做DOMS(延遲性肌肉痛). 這種痛是完全正常的, 不應讓它打亂訓練計畫. 3到5天痛會消失.
2. 舉重以便最大程度增加肌肉. 要達到肌肉精壯(亦即肌肉肥大), 你應盡你能承受的最大重量舉重.
使用強迫次數訓練法. 有監護員輔助, 你可以極限點後再多舉2-3次. 強迫次數可增大加在肌肉組織上壓力, 讓訓練重點的肌肉負荷度超載, 促使其更使力. 讓你的健身夥伴幫助你做最後幾遍的舉重.
一有需要就上調重量. 如果你舉15次也沒達極限, 就要增加重量. 重要的是持續增加舉重器重量才能避開高原期.
3. 飲食補充蛋白質. 蛋白質豐富的飲食可幫助你重量訓練期間增加肌肉密度. 運動過後馬上吃高蛋白餐.
要小心”兔肉綜合症”, 它是由運動量的增加, 同時飲食幾乎單一攝取精益蛋白質兩者結合而引起.請確保你的飲食中仍含有許多脂質.
3之3 遇到問題應對方式
1. 不要寄望藉由多吃以在某部位增胖. 身體分散脂肪方式是由遺傳決定, 不是單靠飲食.
若你總是腹部變胖, 但你希望胖在臀部, 最好對策是增加臀部肌肉量, 而非多食.
2. 看醫生. 若你做了以上方法還是沒能增重, 請與你的家醫師約診. 你可能有某種疾病使身體沒法吸收脂肪或是增加肌肉.
3. 每日同一時間秤重. 因你的體重一天內會有上有下, 請試著定一個秤重時間. 很多人偏好早晨吃飯前時.
4. 勿暴飲暴食. 大吃大喝(或過食)接著禁食的循環證明對血糖與胰島素水平很不好, 同時長期可能傷害新陳代謝過程. 與其為了儘可能攝取卡路里而一餐中大量進食, 不如一天中分批攝取.
How do you gain / lose weight?
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